Hand poked tattoos
How to call a simple tattoo without bright colors and made with no use of special equipment? It is obviously not a quickie, don’t be too harsh. Hand poked tattoo it is a real style of tattoo, often executed by big specialists. Small picture, with few colors and often have a hidden but nasty content – this is real poked tattoo example.
Professional equipment is not available for every master, especially few dozen years ago. Besides, it also has a retro point for someone, who wants such a tattoo. Few decades ago salons has no big budget and were running their business on underground levels. They were enhance their skill with only using one needle.
Nowadays, such a methods seem to be far away in the past. However, many people appreciate hand poked tattoos until today. Even more, this style of tattoo has many fans all over the world. Very often, “young and simple” people, teenagers, choose hand poked tattoo as their first choice of a little picture on their body. The reason is quite simple − it does not oblige too much.
There is one special people category, who are a true believers and fans of hand poked tattoo. Those, who in love with any style of tattoo and want them all. The best way to fill your entire body with tattoos, and get as big quantity as possible, to make small tattoos, such as hand poked tattoo. This kind of tattoo is a great choice for people, who want to say a lot in this world.