On shoulder blade tattoo

Tattoo on the shoulder blade is a very popular option to choose their place on the body for nanesnniya drawing. The choice of the place is ideal for tattooing for both men and women . A huge plus tattoo on the shoulder blade - a minimum of pain when it is applied .
Reasons to choose this place for nanecheniya tattoo may be several :
primarily blade -this is a very convenient place for a tattoo due to the fact that the surface of the body there is no pronounced bends and is an excellent flat " canvas " for quite a large area ;
Secondly , the size and shape choice tattoo can be almost anything ,as the drawing can take not only the surface of the skin directly to the blade , but also have a continuation , and affect the neck portion of the back , and so on ;
third , and one of the most important arguments , a slight pain when the drawing tattoos on the blade due to the fact that at this point on the body is not a lot of nerve endings;
fourth advantage of the choice as a location for a tattoo of the body , as a blade , is that here it is possible , if desired, how to discover the views of others, and hide using certain styles of clothing .
However , there is one important caveat : if you decide to do a permanent tattoo on the shoulder blade ,then run after any drawing on the back is very difficult. Therefore , if you are considering the possibility in the future to make large-sized tattoo on the back , it is better to refrain from the idea to decorate the blade pattern , or this figure should not be permanent and temporary.
As mentioned above,when the tattoos on the shoulder blade on the shape constraints are practically absent . Therefore the choice of images that will be applied to the body , it may be the future owner only based on your imagination and taste preferences .
Tattoos that are made on the blade can be divided into two main sub-categories .
Symmetrical compositionWhen each of the vanes near the drawing is performed , consisting of two specularly identical parts . The most popular example of such tattoos are the wings, but it also can be birds, flowers or animals . Here, there are some limitations with the thumbnail selection level,because not every picture will look good in this performance .
Tattoos that are performed on one of the blades . In this case, the pattern may be almost anything . Most rpopulyarny images of inscriptions and hieroglyphics , flowers, insects ( such as dragonflies and butterflies ) , birds and animals .Tattoos on the shoulder blade are the most popular among the fair sex . Women's tattoos on the blade open greater choice to select the pattern , since the tattoo butterflies or birds is unlikely to decorate the man and positively perceived by others.
Men's tattoo on the blade imply choice kakogo-a brutal image , or options , it is equally suitable to both sexes , such as labels , characters or abstract composition.
Below are photos of tattoos on the blade of various tattoo artists .