Belly button tattoos

Modern tattoo parlors are equipped with their management allows to work only the most talented and experienced craftsmen - artists. Such conditions make it possible to put on the body of any images . Customers of both sexes often do a tattoo on his stomach ,girls often do not fit the rough images of men , and for them to offer the correct choice of more feminine , playful and delicate designs .
Those who appeared frantic desire to put tattoos on any area of the body , it is necessary first to analyze all aspects of this serious step .
Our body is designed sothat the area of the thighs and abdomen designed for intensive accumulation of subcutaneous fat . This feature of human physiology makes impractical the use of tattoos on women's body, periodically fattening and lose weight .
Against the background of the body deformation is not so much affected the tattoo in the form of a simple pattern , character or inscriptions .But if fattening belly is a detailed pattern or a complex multi-colored pattern , then he eventually transformed into a greased unclear picture. It is an awesome sight will enhance poor condition flabby belly .
Nulliparous women are not recommended to do a tattoo on his stomach .The body of a young girl drawing will look great , but after a few years it will still have to become a mother . Often, on the lower abdomen or on the whole body after pregnancy are traces in the form of stretch marks . If this happens , then the tattoo is guaranteed to be spoiled . Even in the absence of cutaneous atrophy as striae ,child nurturing exactly leave a mark on the abdomen - the skin will stretch . In any case , before the pregnancy , or at a very young age - inappropriate to apply tattoos .
Nulliparous girls also need to remember that it is often used in childbirth operative intervention - Caesarean section .Such a procedure is required to be reflected in the tattoo and irrevocably spoil it , turning it into a scattered inharmonious image. Yes, it will be possible to subsequently correct , but the work will be difficult .
While we are young , we think that such an attractive and fit our body will remain forever .But it is not so with age, the skin is still sagging , even if intensive care for the body . However, the deformation of the skin will be disfigured all tattoos . First of all affected drawings on the stomach .
For many of discomfort from the procedure does not perform an obstacle , but it is worth to focus on that ,the masters carry the abdomen to the most painful areas of the body . There is the practice of anesthesia , but it is generally believed that all his tattoos have to suffer and feel alive .