Butterfly tattoo

The symbol of freedom and a new life , joy and carefree , beauty, and love - these are the butterflies . One of the values of the symbol - the fragility and transience of life . In ancient Mexico they symbolized the spirit of the stars and flutter fire . Now China butterfly mean harmony in the family , in Japan - the flowering of beauty and grace , in Germany - the birth of new life .Year-old girl people derung people make huge butterfly tattoo on his face , "for luck " , to preserve the beauty of the end of life . In some cases, the butterfly - a symbol of impermanence, but still the main value of the character - the soul ( in the views of the ancient Greeks and the Mayan ) .
The value of Option 2Very popular female tattoo butterfly has several meanings , and not always , contrary to popular opinion, is frivolous shade.
In the gangster theme Butterfly tattoo are girls of easy virtue , those who are easy to sex without any obligations .
But Butterfly has another , deeper meaning .Many nations Butterfly represents a symbol of rebirth , the transition from life to death , a transformation that leads to changes and new life stage . As appears from a caterpillar chrysalis and then a butterfly is born , and people - the caterpillar symbolizes the earthly life , doll - a symbol of a person's death , and the butterfly - the immortality of the soul and freedom .Butterflies - fragile creation, filled with beauty and finesse , they are light and airy , but to kill her with one touch to the wings impossible.
In addition, Butterflies symbolize joy , luck , easy . Some people consider that a butterfly - the souls of the dead , sometimes they are Harbingers of death .
Often,that would give meaning , butterflies woven into various patterns , combined with chrysanthemums , plum flowers , feathers .