Hocus Pocus magical tattoos

It is already 27 years went since Disney movie Hocus Pocus was presented and right after its release many tattoo enthusiasts recognized immediately: “This is what we all have been missing in the magic world”. Movie fans also picked up this whole idea of tattooing, based on the film.
The main movie theme, also a tattoo style, is a magic and all related attributes. The main characters are evil, mean and sneaky three witches, rather than three precious and kind three sister witches, like many of us got used to. The plot, quite predictable, based on the battle between good and evil, children and mean witches.
The film is very distinctive, just like tattoo is, based on special magic story. Some great ideas for a tattoo: witches, mystical landscapes, candles, books of magic, story lines, or any other film attribute you have noticed.
Every next year the variety of tattoos based on this film is expanding. We wish you an inspiration to come up with a new and special design that will give you magical powers to fight evil in this large and complex world. Here you are some our ides, gathered all over the internet: