Male tattoo

Modern man using tattoos to distinguish themselves from the crowd wants , he reveals himself and his feelings with the help of tattoo reflects memories of his life . Today, the concept of " tattoo " is not shocking , quality tattoo even attracted the attention of others and causes interest . To choose the best tattoowill have to see more than a dozen photos of finished works .
Beautiful men tatuirovkiKrasivye male tattoo
The most current view of male tattoos nowadays - "hand ." The sleeve - a solid figure , which occupies the entire circumference of the hand . This type of tattoo is divided into 3 types :
Long sleeve - hand hammered from shoulder to wristHalf Sleeve - from shoulder to elbow or from elbow to wrist
A quarter sleeves - half of the shoulder or upper arm .
Some men do a tattoo on the arm «blackwork» style that is completely shaded in black skin . This type of tattoo is also used to close their previous failed tattoos.Many men make the tattoo on his back . Tattoos on the back are varied , many are very beautiful , in fact on the back can be very large , colorful tattoo. The most popular tattoo on his back :
Army - the display of symbols , anniversary, other inscriptions .
The image of the wolf , lion , tiger , bear, scorpion -all these tattoos show the strength and courage of men .
Often beautiful male tattoo can be seen on the neck . They are stylish decoration to complement the image. This type of tattoo is always visible and should be well thought out.
Another view of the beautiful men's tattoos - a tattoo on his wrist . Most likely, this place was packed wordcharacters , anchors .
It uses age-old popular tattoo on his shoulder . Pros tattoos in this location :
Since the shoulder has a rounded shape , the tattoo will look very realistic .
On the shoulder look beautiful tattoos such as: dog , eye , spider , skull, portraits of people . Many men stuffed on his shoulder portrait of mother ,lover girl , the daughter . Most often portraits of favorite stuffed on his left hand , because the left hand is directly related to the heart , and this is how they show their love to any man .
Very nice look a tattoo on the chest . You can put a large picture or ornament. Due to the convex pectoral muscles ,tattoo will bulk . As advantage of this tattoo is that it is relatively painless . The breast can chop tattoo ships usually choose such tattoo male romance . Perhaps the image of animals : the swallows , owls , eagles , bears and wolves . Tattoos on the chest are very important for the owners.After all, this part of the body is located near the heart , and thus to humans is very meaningful tattoo.
Universal tattoos are considered a tattoo on the calf . Advantages of the tattoo in this location :
On the calf tattoo painless .
Men may like to show it , wearing shorts and hide in a business suit .
Enough space for ANY KINDor large images.
Most often, men are painted silhouettes of animals , paintings in the style of " biomechanics " skull ornaments .
Tattoos on the fingers have become very fashionable . Small tattoos attract attention as much as the tattoo is large. This type of tattoo you need to think very well , because it will not hide their capabilities ,Only during the cold season under the gloves . It is necessary to carefully consider all the details , determine the size , color and design. Often used dark blue and black colors , as they are less susceptible to abrasion.
Tattoos , many men do on the head . The biggest plus is that their hair may grow back ,and tattoo visible at all will not be. The big disadvantage is the tattoo on his head , that sun is bright colors will fade , and you have to wear a cap that would have had a tattoo of a good color . Apply the tattoo on his head will be very painful , the scalp is very thin and sensitive .
Tattoos adorn men , and it is important not only that ,at what point they are pinned , but also the quality of it , how good he selected pattern and how it fits to the lifestyle of its owner .