Phoenix tattoo

Today, almost everyone knows about the bird that has magical powers. We constantly find mention of the phoenix in movies, books, music and comic books. However, not many people aware of the fact that this image is not invented by the author of the bestselling Harry Potter series, and has much more ancient roots.Initially, the image of the phoenix began to form in Ancient Egypt. Subsequently, descriptions of magical birds come down to us in the form of legends and epics. Phoenix is credited with incredible longevity and ability to rebirth. The life of this bird takes about 500 years, after which it is burned, and arises from the ashes again. But the story you probably know. Incidentally,write in the comments, where they first heard about the capabilities of a miracle bird.
Meaning phoenix tattoo it is directly connected with all popular ideas about it. This is primarily a symbol of creativity, longevity. Many want to emphasize the ability to regenerate in the tattoo. Combustion and the uprising of the phoenix from the ashes symbolize eternal,immortal soul. In addition, in the image of a phoenix tattoo is almost always present a fire. This attribute represents the cleansing fire erases all unnecessary, the negative, something that should be left in the past.
In the eastern civilization to Phoenix are roughly the same as dragons.These ancient creatures are incredibly honored and tattoo in the form of a phoenix or dragon will denote a virtue.
Whoever is the owner or the owner of a phoenix tattoo on the arm or leg, with the appearance of tattoos of his or her life is almost guaranteed to acquire new colors. This is an incredibly vibrant and colorful story,which will inspire movement and new achievements. There are many options mystical bird image. Some of them I can not approve of, they are too reminiscent of a peacock or a dragon.
In my opinion, a phoenix - a very distinctive, bright picture, which should fascinate and to tell the whole story.Therefore, I would recommend doing the bulk tattoo phoenix bird on a large part of the body - the back, the front of the torso or hip. In Asian interpretations of the wings can be different colors : yellow, red, green, white or black, but in the traditional representation of the phoenix depicted in the fiery colors with wide open wings.