Ram tattoo

Tattoo ram usually means a sign of the zodiac - Aries. And as a sheep symbolizes the beginning of the year, the warming, spring. In ancient Egypt, the ram is a carrier of solar energy. There was a companion of creativity the way..
Baran - a symbol primarily courage and perseverance. Ram Tattoo has such values as: strength,perseverance and dedication. If you have all these qualities are present, then a tattoo with the image of a ram you perfect.
This tattoo is exclusively for men due to the fact that Baran has a male energy. The ram symbolizes the unyielding character, perseverance, passes into obstinacy,overconfidence and lack of flexibility in thinking.
The Celts Baran considered not only a symbol of fertility, and war, and the Muslims - the ram is a sacrificial animal, this time should take into account people who are traveling in Muslim countries.
Baran corresponds to the zodiacal sign of Aries.
Baran represents the solar energy,creativity, the sacred fire, and can be a talisman.
In some cases, the Ram symbolizes the dark forces.