Buffalo tattoo

Buffalo symbol huge but peaceful power ( like an elephant tattoo ). Because of its quality I was in India and Southeast Asia, the status of a sacred animal. Buddhist and Hindu god of death, Yama, one of the eight immortals, Lao Tzu riding a buffalo moved (see. Also Budiyskie tattoos ).
Tattoo Values Buffalohurricane force ( like Tattoo Bull )
prosperity (as well as Mac Tattoo )
male fertility ( for this reason, the white buffalo sacrificed, and multimillion herds were almost wiped out by white people ), as well as Frog Tattooscontemplation ( according to legend ancient sage left China riding a buffalo )
Ideas for sketching Buffalo Tattoo
Tattoos buffalo can have a large number of elements, each of which will have its own character. Tattoos can be of different colors, including red, blue and black.Image of buffalo on bullfighting or black buffalo with a burning gaze symbolizes game with death or with the dark forces. But the man with the head of a buffalo, on the contrary, is a symbol of protection against enemies.
They can be made contours buffalo for people born under the zodiac sign of Taurus, or wanting to have his money.Also buffalo tattoo can be done in the Celtic style, ie, with Celtic symbols.
The tattoo may be present buffalo skull (see. Skull Tattoos ).
Main place of application
Back, side, chest, hip, shoulder, calf, hose, brush.