Zone tattoo

Ever since ancient times, the story stretches prison tattoos. It all began with this solution , as it may seem , the state bodies . This idea came to distinguish the former prison guards and criminals from other people .
Initially, these figures were called brand, applied to the face or the hands of men , a woman's breasts .Tattoo burned up a brand , not to apply paint . Over time, leaders of criminal gangs began to devote themselves themselves from the crowd by a tattoo , showing off their means of their achievements , and found a tattoo in the criminal world to each other.
At the beginning of the XX century the tattoo began to spread throughout Russia ,especially active began in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sakhalin , among criminals . In the bulk of these were thieves .
Among the criminals tattoos signified occupation owner. This helped to identify other criminals of his .
For fifty years, shaped the themes and laws of tattoos in the underworld .The tattoo could mean a status which had its owner in jail or at liberty. Sometimes , tattoos on the body of the offender could read his full biography . Almost all the prison tattoos were made only to those who served time in prison and engaged in activities about which tattoo has said. There have been cases ,when people do themselves , prison tattoos for Ponto , then it usually mercilessly killed .
There are three types of prison tattoos :
Regalnye - tattoos to differentiate from the others only the most senior criminals .
Portachki - tattoos , which made themselves improvised .
Hussy - jammed as a shameful sign under duress.Such tattoos worn by the person , do not comply with the law of the underworld , or low caste crime.
Motives prison tattoos
Yet the criminals had their reasons or the reasons for which they get a tattoo . Among these are: a private self-affirmation to some prisoners group ,the desire to show their superiority or significance . Yet it could be like an unwritten law that you accept in their midst those sitting in prison . Sometimes some criminals imitated using tattoos to others, more authoritative , criminals . Just a tattoo could be done for the memory of the place of his sentence or his cellmates .