Life tattoo

Tree in the mythology of many countries - reasonable living creature that moves, breathes, talks with like-minded and possesses magical powers. The image of the tree in the tattoo has a deep meaning. First of all, the tree represents a bond between heaven and earth, symbolizes the growth and development of the never-ending cycle of life,fertility and immortality. Sketch of the tree of life tattoo is done in black and white and in color.
Particular importance is symbolic tree of life tattoo. Strange but true - the tree of life is invisibly present in many religions and cultures. In Christianity, it grows in the Garden of Eden,adjacent to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Here the tree of life meant the development of mankind, revealing a kind of relationship with the Creator of all life.
Often, the tree of life portrayed with numerous fruits and leaves. They are believed to contribute to the maintenance of good health, grant salvation righteous people.In Celtic mythology says about a world tree, which is in essence very similar to known to us the tree of life. The Celts believed that it is a universal center of the world. Amazingly, the ancient Aztecs there is a similar sacred tree.In the tree of life has a very characteristic feature of the display : the roots and branches must be very thick. Gossip, they meet each other, closing the tree in a kind of circle. So it is hard enough to be confused with some other tree.
Meaning tattoo tree of life - is infinity, continuity,the connection between the ancestors and their descendants, who live in different worlds. Tattoo Tree of Life represents the beginning of all beginnings, the birth of life itself as such.
The Celts were the roots of the tree symbol of the underworld, the trunk was a real world, and the branches were engaged in that connected the different worlds together.
It is believedEgyptian gods Isis and Osiris came from this particular tree. In Chinese mythology, it was also the tree of immortality. Wonderful tree is very revered, so it was guarded by a dragon. Here it is revealed another meaning tattoo tree of life - as a sign of eternal life and its divinity.
Such an image is well suited for both menand women. It is also important that it does not simply become a beautiful picture on the body, and will carry a deep meaning, serious philosophy of life. As a symbol of great strength and beauty, in moral and physical plane, the tree of life will never get tired to amaze us with its natural power and unfailing cheerfulness.