Live tattoo

That's how people that he always wants to be original, unique and stand out from the crowd . Perhaps there is nothing reprehensible , because that is the nature of man. Since ancient times to the present day people used a huge number of tools and techniques to emphasize their originality and uniqueness .This may manifest itself in different ways. Some have resorted to extravagant outfits and other dazzling intricate hairstyles and hair color , and others addicted to piercings , fourth adhere strictly classical style , and so on. Along with these groups of people , there are those ,who can not imagine their life without any marks on the body - tattoos.
Tattoo - a process of making a subcutaneous tissue specific colorant ( pigment) , whereby the surface of the skin appears permanent pattern. It should be noted that tattooing is a pretty painful process , of course ,it all depends on the individual pain threshold of each person , but the process is still significant and quite painful . In many respects it depends on at what part of the body image is located .
Decide on a pattern that will decorate your body for life - a very difficult task ,especially because the art of tattooing on the body quickly develops rapidly . Many techniques , a large number of styles , in a word , there is something to think about and choose from.
Basically, if you wish the master can do whatever drawing or writing on the body of your choice , of course , it is up to the customer. But it is worth remembering ,that this constant pattern , and you have to live with it . The main thing here is that you need to remember when choosing a tattoo , this is the main idea you want to convey , and what you want to express this bodily adornment .
Tattoo about life for several centuries are a fashionable trend . Life itself ,It is an inexhaustible fount of ideas and inspiration for tattoo artists . This is not surprising , after all, life - it is a special gift , the most valuable to man . The philosophy of life is so deep and largely do not know and are not acquainted with that unconsciously is an object that attracts the minds and hearts of people .That is why the life of a tattoo so popular and loved by many .
For a long time the tattoo in the form of inscriptions are leaders , they are relevant , both among young people and among older people. These figures phrases remain popular and relevant, they do not become obsolete and do not lose their meaning.Inscriptions for the pro-life tattoo can be found among the aphorisms , sayings and deep thoughts , which a huge amount , so you should choose the one that most accurately describes your life or is your motto .
The phrase may be as a mother tongue and a foreign .It should only scrutinize labels for tattoo transfer about life , because in some cases the original translation and have a pretty significant difference . Very popular tattoo in Latin about life .
In addition to direct text , there is a tattoo with a hidden meaning . This is all kinds of images that symbolize life or kakim-It is linked with life . Drawing attention to the symbols , values and the secret meaning you can decorate your body sophisticated image , the secret meaning of which is not clear to everyone. As a rule, tattoos are divided more by one feature - it is the principle of gender .
In ancient times, men tattoo served as a kind of " passport"which identifies belonging to the tribe . With the development of civilization, tattoos are increasingly moving in the art, so they are more an ornament and a manifestation of the inner "I" man .
Men are not for nothing called the opposite sex , they are hardy and tolerant of pain , so , in most cases ,they opt for tattoos of large size with large elements. More often than not , used for placing drawing back , and for inscriptions - hands . Massive tattoos give men courage and arouse great interest among women.Women and girls in choosing a tattoo for themselves often prefer neat and thumbnails . Few of the fairer sex will boast a massive , large -sized tattoo. Those who still decide on such a move , put in the picture ( or text ) deep meaning ,get to the bottom of which is not always possible outsider . Tattoo life for women , as a rule, performed more vivid and saturated colors in comparison with the male version .
Very often women's life tattoos contain floral or vegetable motifs , as well as ,huge variety of intricate lines and flourishes in the text. The most popular among fans of the tattoo is an image of the tree of life . Tattoo Tree of Life has a lot of variations and modifications , all depends on the style , which will run a tattoo .
Figure can be either a monotonous and color .It is equally well suited to both men and women , because it is believed that this is one of the images , which carries a real, deeper meaning . Many myths and legends of different peoples tree endow special properties , sometimes even represented him as a living being . The tree of life tattoo means growth and development , cycle life,It is a kind of symbol of the infinite life , fertility and immortality .
Tattoo flower of life also carries a hidden meaning . This image can be found in many religions and cultures. By itself, the flower symbolizes the whole of life : from nachala central part of the flower to infinity , because the lines have no end .
People,who with great trepidation relate to the parents and the gift they received - the birth , often choosing concise labels . Tattoo thanks for life emphasizes the significance and value of human life . The owner of this inscription on his body clearly appreciate every minute of their stay in this world.Tattoo thanks mom for life or tattoos thank you parents for life speak for themselves . Huge respect and gratitude for the donated us life can be expressed here in such an original way and carry through life .
For people who are used to manage the events in his life could not be better suited tattoo my life my rules .This expression is translated into almost all languages of the world and the body is decorated with millions of people. My life my rules tattoo is a kind of incentive for the majority , as is the motto of the strengths and the power of people , which makes the act and live , relying on their own principles .
Tattoo one life one love is a prime example of people -romantikov ,who dedicate their lives to a loved one . Typically, these people differ loyalty and devoted affection for his partner .
People with a positive attitude is very often choose tattoos life is beautiful . This tattoo shows a man to do with what is happening in this world , or is the credo . Would like to note,that for many tattoos - is not only a drawing, an art form or something like that , for them the tattoo - the meaning of life .