Anubis tattoo

It is not necessary to apply the ancient Egyptian god on your skin just because the joke with Anubis bad. After all, he had quite a bad reputation in religion. He personified the night, and otherworldly afterlife worlds constantly fought with Gore both with light, fertility and prosperity.
But every negative there is a positive character qualities.Anubis was the patron of pharmacists, who produced medicines and poisons. He did not give the people and the gods raznezhitsya lose the taste for life, and the struggle, when the city sends to the terrible sandstorms. Therefore, the value Tattoo Anubis may be thatthat a person should always calmly to his dark side and stay on the path of enlightenment.
If a man inflict on your body image with Anubis, and will be ready for the daily struggle for the right priorities, the tattoo will be able to protect him. But to fill this ancient Egyptian god izfor alcohol or momentary whim undesirable.
Before adding to the picture any characters or objects of worship in Egypt, it is best to learn their meaning. In order not to hurt either his reputation or his energy.
And remember : whatever the tattoo sketch depicting Anubis - most importantly,that it was unique ! See below for a video in which the master performs a tattoo on the back of his client.